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Asset Protection

All asset protection strategies have something in common: a properly structured scheme protects your assets against creditors’ claims and makes it difficult to find your property. 

A properly outlined asset protection strategy not only helps you to keep your fortune, but also creates opportunities for more flexible asset management and structuring.
Most asset protection experts agree that establishing offshore trusts and/or offshore funds in properly selected jurisdictions can be a powerful tool for protecting assets and securing them for families to benefit from in future. Offshore trusts and foundations are often created in countries with low tax or offshore status. These countries have a well-deserved reputation thanks to successful implementation, management and operation of trusts and foundations.


Objectives of asset protection:

1. To create business environment that should prevent a third party from advancing claims against a trust’s or foundation’s assets. 

2. To divide actual control over assets from formal property rights in order to eliminate tax liabilities associated with the ownership of assets.

3. To ensure inheritance of assets in accordance with the owner’s desire.


Based on the primary goal of asset protection, Alpha Consulting offers the following legal instruments:

Private foundation



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